With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"My Mommy Is a Slowpoke"

Well, here I am... 1year and 1month later. This is my story about my journey home.
You see, it's my baby book really. Because when Mommy or the kids look at baby books, Mommy can see that I am worried because I don't see MY story. So, here's mine. Mommy missed my gotcha day deadline...but it is finally finished.

This is my story.

Adoption Video from Cherie Steele on Vimeo.

Oh, I feel so happy to have Faith's video done. It was so important to me to get it done for her. She likes to watch it. She calls it "my Chiner". She really is bothered when she sees the other kids' baby photos and there are none of her..so this is important for her. I didn't think I'd ever get it done. I had it almost done about 6 months ago and then, due to a computer glitch, I lost the whole thing. It took me a while to get up the nerve to start all over again. And then we had trouble uploading because the whole thing was done in HD and we had to downgrade it so drastically to upload. My kids teased me and told me that I made it so long that people would need popcorn to watch it...but I ask you...what do you leave out when it's all she has of her first two and a half years of life?..Nothing I say. It's her keepsake.


Dardi said...

You are absolutely right...keep whatever you have!! I have NOTHING from my son's first 4+ years of life, & it makes me sad on so many levels. What a blessing to have the things you do!

Sophie said...

Beautiful, it made me cry

Tiffany said...

So worth the wait. It is really incredible. You did such a great job with the video. You obviously were planning to do this all along. It will be a treasure for Faith especially in those questioning years to come. I love the words at the end! Indeed, God is glorified in this.

Hebnix said...

Very nice. Shelby and I both watched and had tears as I was explaining that her and Faith were both born in Fuzhou China.... So cute to see her starting to put it all together....

Unknown said...

Amazing. We loved it. You did a great job putting it together, Cherie. We loved watching Miss Faith's homecoming via video. Thank you for recording it. Uncle Dan and Aunt Jessica are thankful for and LOVE our niece Faith. She is God's special answer to prayer.

Annie said...

Ok, I have had my cry for the day!!! That was beautiful!!