With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Homeschool Mom's Question

So, do you other homeschool moms think there ever comes a day when we won't feel like there are all these things we're not accomplishing? Do you guys continually find yourself feeling like "Oh, I wanted to do this, or teach that, and I haven't gotten that done yet?" My first order of business...a library day tomorrow!! Haven't done one in a while. Let's see if I accomplish it.

Second, in honor of my last post "This One's for the Boys"....I am working on my next post....you guessed it..."This One's for the Girls". If only I had more time to sit and type!! Oh well...coming soon. :)



Cheri said...

Home schooling is tough. I'm surprised I've lasted 13 years. As with anything we have good and bad days, much accomplished and little accomplished. But, regardless, I move ahead knowing this is what is best and in the end I know I will be so glad we schooled at home. Enjoy your library day.

Mandy said...

There are very few days when I feel like "I got it all done!" Were there any? Trying to remember one in the recent past...and can't. Today, I didn't get to: Emma's spelling, art, Anna Grace & Ally's science...and something else. What was it? Can't remember now! But a couple of things we did do: read the Bible & prayed! Couldn't do that as readily and have it also be history if we didn't homeschool!

My best friend calls it "Mama Guilt!" I heartily agree...when we were handed baby #1 we were also handed a lifetime's worth of "Mama Guilt"...the I never do enough, I wish I was/could, I'm failing them, etc. stuff that seems to whisper in every mom's ear. Then add homeschooling to the mix and...well, it just grows!

But GOD! Is so good to allow us to accomplish what He desires and instruct us in how to do the next minute, hour, day! My challenge is resting in that knowledge!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Yes, I do! Guilt - it's the gift that just keeps giving!!! We gotta learn to let go and let God :-)

Thanks for stopping by! Our Ruby Fu is waiting for us in Hepu, Guangxi! And her characters mean "blessing" - we could not agree more, she is our precious blessing!