With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

As Promised...This One's for the Girls !

In response to my previous post...here's a post that's all for the girls!
First, Gracie's ballet recital...I am only a month and a half behind in posting it. Their recital had a Spanish theme this year and the costumes were beautiful.

This next photo is my very favorite.

All that serious posing gave her the giggles.

The Ice Cream Truck

Believe it or not, we have an ice cream truck that drives around town in the evenings during the summer. The kids can usually hear it coming from pretty far away. We were outside and the girls heard the music. They made a mad dash for their money and it was adorable..

They were jumping up and down at the end of the driveway waiting for the truck to come by.

Hmmm...what shall we have?

Don't you just love summer!

Now here's a girl who looks like she has something important to say.
Well.. she ALWAYS has something to say anyways.
My friend came up with the phrase "Faithisms"
Here are some recent Faithisms (words of wisdom from Faith):

Biblical wisdom from Faith... "God is strong and powerful.
He makes the sun and paper out of trees.
We have to wait a long long time till God and all his
construction workers get our big big house done up
in heaven."

Faith, on dental care...."Faith (realizing we had
forgotten to brush her teeth): "I gotta go brush them
cause Jennie (my cousin) says some people's teeth fall out
and they has to get all pa-lastics so they can eat."

Faith, on car safety..."Dear God, Please help Daddy
and Mitchell (they weren't home yet) so that the tires
will not fall off their cars in the woods where all
the snakes are!

And...last but not least as the girls fill the spotlight tonight...my Gracie turned 9 Years Old!!

Christian actually MADE the pinata for Gracie's party. He made one for her party last year too. He's got an awesome pull-string design he uses!!

And all the girls made hula skirts at the party.

...my sweet girls :)


robin landers said...

Hey Ya'll!!! How is everyone? Gracie- You look so beautiful, girl. I tell you what!!! Amazing. Hope all went well at your recital.I know you did a fantastic job and I bet your family is very proud of you! I heard that someone in your family was baptized? WHO?! I sure miss you guys. Can't wait to see "yuns". Did I spell that correctly? I'm counting down the days! Love you- Robin Landers

Football and Fried Rice said...

Ahh, your Gracie is a beautiful dancer and I am thinking your Faith is pretty wise about her Jesus - I think we could learn a thing or two from her! Love your Girly girl post!