With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Adding on...

Since one of the children reprimanded me for not writing, I am now sitting at the keyboard.  I've been staring blankly at the screen for quite some time.  There's alot to write, but it's been a little too much.  So I've been opting out of writing due to emotional overload........Thank goodness for reprimand though.

Both of our oldest became engaged this season.  As is natural, I suppose, I found myself nostalgically longing to have them little and "captive" again.  Listening to a younger mom talk this week about taking her little boys to watch trains, brought tears to my eyes.  I ran and grabbed my 11x14 portrait of all 3 boys in their Railroader Bibs off the wall to show her.  

This is new ground.  Just when you get good at one stage of mothering, a new one comes along.  

As for choosing....I'm so glad God doesn't leave the choosing to us.  I'm so glad that when we are fixed on Him, God accomplishes His perfect plan in His perfect way.  Never could we have chosen two more beautiful girls.  The beginning of God's answer to my fervent prayer of the past twenty years is turning out to be a beautiful revelation.  It is showing me that, once again, God's plan is not only more beautiful than mine...but it is also so much more complete.  My prayer that God would send girls with a heart for home and family has proven a gross underestimation of God's divine intervention.  

We are building, purposefully and intentionally...building this family and expanding our hearts....and as a somewhat seasoned mother, I am proud of the building skills that God has grown in the hearts of these beautiful girls.  I'm so proud of them. Yes, God sent the hearts for home and family...but He also sent hearts for adoption.  God's view is so much bigger than mine.  Of course God has to do the unfolding in the years to come, but we are seeing beautiful glimpses of God planting a common thread in all of our hearts....and even the tiny glimmer makes me stand in amazement.

Oh, I almost forgot....

Here they are....

Kelli is our sweet Southern Bell from Georgia....daughter of our dear friends Pastor Ricky and Susan.  It was no coincidence that Kelli came along on the mission trip her daddy was leading to help us with our new church plant a few summers ago....

We love it when sweet-as-sugar Kelli descends with her mega suitcase and her seven pairs of shoes and crams into Gracie's tiny room with her for a week or so.  And we give a million hugs (give or take a few)...And my speech begins to pick up a little drawl, and her speech begins to lose a little bit of drawl, by the time we sadly put her back on the plane...and then we wait anxiously for the next time.

 Matthew and Kelli's engagement photos were taken by an elf  :)

  I took this one.  I am not an elf.

Emily is from the great north Minnesota and we unashamedly tease her about extreme weather.  Mitchell and Emily share the same major at Belmont. Gracie is fixated on imitating Emily's sweet momma's Minnesota accent.  She feels that she has it down pat, so that she and Miss Jana will be able to converse on the highest of levels.  We're so glad Emily's dad Randy got to help hide the ring (so appropriate)....and her momma was able to hide and take photos.  Mitchell and Emily's engagement photos were not taken by an elf.


I did not take this photo, for I obviously did not get to go the CMA awards like they did.

And, of course, I have to add some photos of me with the girls...you know, since this is my blog.  

                    God's plan from the start
                  For this world and your heart
            Has been to show His glory and His grace
            Forever revealing the depth and the beauty
                         Of His unfailing Love
                    And the story has only begun
                                                            - scc

I had so much more to write tonight, but upon finishing engagement news, I felt it was fitting to let it stand on it's own.  Therefore, I will finish and begin writing again tomorrow.  


Kellishadrix said...

I wouldn't want anyone else as my mother! You are the greatest!

Cheri said...

Oh, Wow! Congratulations for you all! It is all exciting, sad, and anxious rolled up. I waver back and forth with joy and sadness over my children marrying. I'm finally getting used to it all and am looking forward to meeting my son in law in July...finally!