With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Catching Up

I've fallen behind on posting my photos.
Why does that matter so much to me?

It matters to me because of this:

...and this:

See I spent years making elaborate albums for my kids. But then along came another child, and another, and well, you know how it goes. My scrapbooking went by the wayside.

So, last Christmas I decided to check out having my blog printed at Shared Book. I was THRILLED with the results! The books are great, hardcover, personalized inside the covers. I had, and will continue having, a copy of each year printed for each of the kids (and for me too of course)!!

If you've not checked into it, they are great!!! Wonderful keepsakes for the kiddos (and for busy moms)!

Next on the agenda...get a better camera.

So, I'm catching up on a few photos I found that I missed from the end of summer. Just a few too cute to miss of Christian and Gracie in the pool.

Then there was Jennie's fiesta! Jennie, behind Faith, our family 'party girl'. She loves to throw parties, and we love to attend them. These are photos from her fiesta.

This next photo cracks me up! Christian reminds me of some cartoon character that I just can't put my finger on. But, the funniest part is Matthew sitting in the background holding up the cardboard behind which we all had to have our picture taken. Results below.

We felt Faith looked the most authentic.

Some people in the background are Aunt Sue, Gam (the kids great-grandma who is 90 and apparently still attending fiestas!!), and Pappy Dan (my dad, apparently enjoying some type of Mexican treat)

My mom, Pap and Gam, Aunt Sue and Uncle Howard.

Gracias Jennie !!


Remember, I told y'all before that Hershey is on the way home from everywhere!

It was on the way home from a lovely day at the Strasburg Railroad. We used to ride this train all the time when the boys were little and they would wear their railroader's hats. ooh hum...where has the time gone. Realized recently that the "littles" didn't remember it all that much. They do now.

And an old favorite stomping ground where it felt so sentimental to have the big boys there showing it to the younger ones. The Choo-choo Barn. Simply a great big train layout. Mitchell and Matthew could spend hours looking at it when they were little.

I love this shot.

Well...hooray. Now I'm ready to upload fall birthdays... next time.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Hi Cherie!

I did get your comment and I replied via email (at least I thought I did), but it might be lost in cyberspace!

That would be so neat to meet up...send me an email w/ dates and where you will be and we can coordinate!