With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Just catching up on some photos

We are still working through Faith's strabismus.  Her surgery was postponed for a while because there appeared to be a bit of improvement, but it was short lived.    Her corrective surgery is coming up in September.   As her momma, I will be mighty glad when it is over.

And some photos from Verizon Winner's Circle.  It was special for Mitch and Mitchell both to earn Winner's Circle status together this year.  The trip to Nemacolin Resort is always a treat.  I tried to catch a few photos during their round of golf.  Pretty poor quality because all I had along was my phone, but so glad I was able to capture a few. 

Matthew in his way-cool glasses?  So, he started wearing these glasses frames with no glass a few weeks back.  Pretty soon younger kids at church were walking around wearing them too!  And he even showed me a facebook photo the other day of a boy whom he counseled at camp...he had on "frames" like this and had his hair spiked up like Matthew too....so funny.

This was a HUGE deal!  Gracie has been saving her money for nearly a year to buy her very first American Girl Doll.  Her Daddy decided that instead of ordering online, we would take her to the American Girl store in D.C. to get her doll.  It was really special and exciting for Gracie. 

And some photos I took before leaving for ballet recital.

Gracie's 11th Birthday Party!

During the party, we heard the ice cream truck coming.  My dad couldn't resist flagging it down for Faith.

And a chore we haven't had much success at yet...teaching Faith to ride a two-wheeler.  She usually ends up in the bushes or tangled up in the bike.  Oh well, she'll get it eventually.

At least she's got the cuteness factor down pat.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Sweet! Enjoy the rest of your summer! It's going by way too quickly.