With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Plea for Prayer

I have an earnest prayer that some of you are still reading along. I got up this morning and cried about this task that seems insurmountable to me...teaching love and joy to a child who has no concept of love and joy. I really need your prayers.

Love to you all.
Praising God for family and friends.


Aunt Lou said...

She will, Cherie. It's just going to take some time. If anyone can do it, I know you can! I've got all kinds of "faith" in you. You're just tired right now - and rightly so, but it will get better. I wish I could be there to give you a hug, but I guess I'll just have to keep praying. You know the Lord has brought you here, and He's not going to let you down. Don't expect too much too soon. She's got three years worth of living to un-learn. Just keep loving her and she'll come around. We are definitely praying for you all and love you all.

Unknown said...

Cherie -

I will keep you in my prayer that God's grace will sufficiently cover your needs!!!!

Look up! God has done so much to get that little girl into your hear and home - He will not abandon you!


Unknown said...

Your younger brother & I are still reading & still praying lots!

Don't get discouraged~I believe Satan really would like for you to feel the task ahead is insurmountable, but, although things may be super-challenging, nothing is impossible with God!! God gave you all the gifts & talents you have (& just the sheer passion/strong sense of calling you & Mitch have for parenting & for raising children, which Dan and I really find quite amazing & SO perfect & neat for a child such as Faith!!)& all the years behind you of parental skill-developing & hands-on experience for such a task as this. He'll be faithful to complete what He's begun through you~I know you know all that, though.

You're still in our thoughts & prayers & we know He can do this through you but thank you for all the incredible effort you are putting into her life (& she will impact the lives of others someday, b/c this is what we have prayed for, so you are impacting many more lives than just hers!!),


Unknown said...

She will see your love and joy when y'all display it and show it to her. She will probably be more affected by you modeling it than trying to teach it to her. As a two-year-old she is so moldable and flexible in ways that we adults aren't. Not that I'm saying that I'm an adult or anything. But each day she will learn more English and feel more loved and secure. Also, she is in the "terrible twos". I've heard that many kids who have been with their family from birth go through that stage.
Jes and I are constantly praying. God put you all together and His plan will be wonderful.

Faith's Uncle Dan