With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Successful Evening

Well, we had two successful outings this evening. First we took Gracie to ballet class. Faith sat in the studio doorway and watched the girls almost the whole time. I wanted her to watch them because I thought it would be so good for her to watch ballet class. Then we went to church. We actually sat through the entire lesson in youth group (with a bag of cheerios of course) and didn't cry (neither one of us). The most amazing part was that after youth, Faith got down and actually walked around among everyone. She SMILED and even fed Matt Hepner cheerios :) !!!

Then, Faith had her VERY FIRST trip to McDonalds! She wasn't real keen on her hamburger, but I wish I had had my camera along to capture her eating her first McDonalds french fries (because they're so good for her, you know).

Today was the first time she looked at our puzzles and put some of our board puzzles together. And tonight, she sat and looked at board books by herself for the first time. I have tried to look at books with her many times, but they meant nothing to her. Tonight she sat and turned the pages and actually looked at the pages. She also said, "gonna go to the potty" today. She was just immitating me but we'll take whatever we can get!

Thanks so much for praying. Please continue to do so. To watch a little girl with such a sadness about her spirit is really heartbreaking. The Lord knew I desperately needed to see a glimmer today. I must confess I have been struck with the fear that perhaps her heart is too sad to learn to love. I am hanging onto Jesus with all my might.

Love to you all.
Paying for Faith.


Michelle said...

Rejoicing and still praying. We are honored to be part of her life and yours. (Matt feels even more honored!) :)

We are praying hard for ALL of the adjustments that you are going through. She is feeling the love -we can see it! Trust God to see you through! We're here if you need us. Maybe Matt can babysit sometime! :)

We love you!


Anonymous said...

so good to hear you had a nice evening! see, there is hope! it will just take time. she'll learn to love you just as much as you love her. wouldn't she look so cute in a little dance outfit of her own, even if just for fun!!


Anonymous said...

Cherie, with my entire being I can understand what you are dealing with. Though Emma was 10 mths when she came home, she wanted nothing to do with me. I felt almost as though we would never connect. But, God gave me such grace and peace when I needed it. It does seem beyond your reach at times, and then He gives you "cherrios!" Remember she is watching and learning all the time. She is sharing because you all share..she smiles because you smile..and she WILL love because you loved her first! Just like Christ is our example, we are the earthly example for our children. Faith is yours. She always has been and she always will be. Who would've ever imagined that you or I would travel half way around the world to adopt?! Now our families are complete. These black-eyed, black-haired beautiful girls who first had complete hollowness in their eyes are both going to grow up knowing they have a savior who saw fit to put them with us. I find that amazing. They will know Christ because we were obedient. That has taken me a long time to realize. Lots of people have said it but I now know it's true! You keep hanging in there and we will all keep praying; and, one day very soon you will look around and say, "Hey, this is all just normal now. When did that happen?" I love you and will continue to hold you all in prayer. Call if you need anything at all - I am not busy. Haha