With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Down Day

Today we have declined any tours and chosen to stay in the hotel. Tomorrow we leave for Guangzhou and none of us has any desire to venture out again before that. Helen brought us our last documents from the Civil Affairs Office here in Nanchang, and now we have everything we need to take to Guangzhou. It will be a busy time there...that is where the U.S. Consulate is and a lot has to happen there.

The last document we need from Nanchang is done and in-hand!! Praise the Lord!

This girl would eat 24/7 if I let her. Anytime anyone gets out food she is there in a flash looking for a hand-out.

We are so thankful, though, that she is very healthy and has been well fed. We realized how blessed she is at breakfast this morning after chatting for a while with a family from the UK - a mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, little girl, and newly adopted baby. They got their little girl 2 days ago from the orphanage in Fujin. She is one year old and is so malnourished she can barely hold her head up. She drinks formula from a bottle and can barely take any at a time. They were up all night feeding her. We couldn't believe what she looks like. She is skin and bones and looks like a 3 month old.

Another family in our hotel here from the UK got their baby from the same orphanage and she is in a little better shape but still not good. So, we are really thankful that Faith was well cared for.

Every day we see more of the many adjustment issues we'll have to deal with. For instance, she has no idea how to deal with it when you tell her "no." She sits and cries totally distraught. She will learn.

We are starting to pack up our things in preparation to leave tomorrow. We are so relieved to be finished here!

We just want to thank you for your messages to us in the comments section. We haven't been able to see our blog since we left the states, but we do have email and my aunt forwards us all your comments. They are such a breath of fresh air! This morning we argued over who got to read them out loud. So keep them coming!

Love to you all.
Miss you like crazy.


Michelle said...

We love you and we love her already! Precious pictures with the boys. Checking your blog is the first thing I do in the morning! We have been praying for you all and cannot wait until you can bring that precious little China doll home! What a gift that you have given her and what a gift she is to you!

Love to you all!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop staring at the picture of Mitch, cherie and Faith that was on that one document. I just kept thinking what an amazing God that He had plans long ago for her to be with your family just as surely as all those other Steele kids!


LisaP said...

Hi Everyone! Can you believe it, you are a family of 7!!! Faith is yours - it's real now. That will never change. Isn't that awesome! When you look at all God has done and all he promises, it just is so humbling. Cherie, isn't it funny how fast we begin treating these precious ones as though they have been a part of our family all along. People always ask me "how can you say no to her? Or how can you be stern with her?" Well, God has entrusted this child to me (us) just like the rest and she has to learn her boundaries too. I must say though, that the photo of her holding her hands out to Matthew when he's eating, is too dear! I would probably cry if I saw her do that. My goodness, that child is going to go crazy when she sees all the goodies at her house! lol So, you haven't said yet: How big is she? She looks tall to us. What size clothes are you putting on her? When is her birthday? Details, girl, I need details! ha ha ha I hope you are laughing. Well, I have to go, I have 4 walls to continue staring at. You know someone has to sit here and make sure they don't move! AHG! This broken heel is quite despairing. OH, well they tell me only 10 more weeks until I can begin putting weight on it. Did I mention - YIPEE! lol Can you stand it? I don't care if I have to crawl, I am coming to see Faith - and the rest of you of course. But, boys, get used to it...your new sister will be getting the majority of the attention for a while. Remember her smile and contentment are a direct reflection of the love and security you all give her. She is going to do just fine. Ok, enjoy the White Swan! I hope that is where you still stay. I heard they were moving the Consulate to another area. I hope you still get to stay there. Remember: Get to Lucy's as fast as you can. Better take a $20. You can get enough food for a week with that. lol Love you guys. Wo Ai Nee (spelling?) to Faith. (means I love you - but you know that).


Anonymous said...

She is soooooo cute and she seems to adore the boys. Those pictures are really special. I feel like a proud aunt or something...I keep telling people your story and when I get a chance I am showing friends your website. What a story you have to remind her of as she gets older! I am fascinated by the love and affection that the pictures portray. We can't wait for you all to come home. We will see you soon!


Aunt Lou said...

I'm curious about one of the pictures... did you finally get her to go without her 'high-dees?' I see bare feet!!

Unknown said...

We love reading the updates daily and looking at the pictures. We are sooooo excited to meet her in person. We love her just from the pictures. We are praying that all the official business left goes smoothly and that you get to enjoy a piece of the local culture at your next destination.
Faith's Uncle Dan