With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Peeing in the Pagoda

OK, so I wasn't going to share this story but decided to anyway….

The little kids over here all wear something called split pants. They are seriously pants with no crotch. Now you may be wondering, "You mean the little ones run around with their behinds sticking out?" The answer is "Yes." And they just squat and pee wherever they are when they are out. (yeah, I know. I don't like it too well either.)

So, having a little one who has been trained in this manner has been challenging thus far. She came to us in split pants, and within 10 minutes had her bottom covered by me. When she needs to go, she yells and pulls on the pants because they really are in her way.

Anyway, yesterday - remember I told you we went to this ancient pagaoda? Well, didn't she have to go in the middle of the pagoda - and there are NO bathrooms. She was yelling and I was frantic, and Helen (our guide who thinks I'm really dumb) was instructing me to take her pull-up off, lay it on the floor in the middle of the museum room, and let her "squat" over it.

It became quite a scene as I was refusing Helen's advice while Faith was yelling, and Helen was trying to rip off the pull-up, which by the way, she DID get off and then the rest is history. When all was said and done, I began yelling for my baby wipes from my backpack, but Mitch (who had my backpack) was no where to be seen. You see, he and the boys had made a hasty exit from the pagoda so as not to appear to know me. It was really fun - and I enjoyed it very much.


Anonymous said...


Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! That made me laugh so hard. She sounds like a spunky little gal and I can't wait to meet her. We are praying for you all, for your safety, and for little Faith that her transition will be smooth. You can tell by the photos that she can already sense the unconditional love that you have for her, regardless of the language barrier.

"Peeing in the Pagoda" reminds me of Maddie's "Daddy, I peed in your go!" I'm sure that you are going to have many "Potty Stories" to tell "AGB" when you get home. I cannot wait!!!

Much Love and Prayers,


Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight...She pooped!!!! haha. I'm unbelievably entertained. Ohhhh my! Cherie, she will fit right in with the girls...if you know what I mean! Be safe. We are really excited for you to get home.


Anonymous said...

OH my!! that is hilarious! I'm sure you didn't think so at the time, but I enjoyed hearing about it anyway!!

Have a safe trip, I'm excited to meet Faith...spunky as she may be!
