With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Monday, August 31, 2009

We are Family

I just had to send this photo to post.

After our ordeal today, we went to Lucy's then, Lisa, we went to Jordan's. He is great. We had written down some phrases that Faith says a lot so he could tell us what they mean. There was only one that he didn't understand. Then we went to the playroom with another family from our travel group and just relaxed for a while and let the little ones play.

Now, as you can see, the kids are lying on the bed watching The Discovery Channel. It is the only channel in English. They have been running a series called "Discovering Malaysia” the entire time we have been in China, and Mitchell says if he ever hears the word Malaysia again, it will be too soon. : )

Now that we have the medical clearance we need, David will bring some final medical papers for us to sign tomorrow, and then the only thing we have left (I think) is our appointment at the Consulate. Just as a side note, those TB tests are entirely new. They have only been doing them since July 1st of this summer and have been causing trouble ever since. Adoptive families are starting to circulate petitions against them.

Today Faith pointed out the window and said, "Momma, boat!" (She understood). She also said, "Ba Ba a high-dee", and we understood – “Daddy's shoes”.

Good night - only 2 more nights in China after this.

Love to you all.

Miss you like crazy.


Anonymous said...

We just got back from taking Laura to Grace, so I wasn't able to keep up with your blog very well. I'm so glad the MRI results were good. PTL! I can't imagine what you must have been going through as you waited for that news. It brought a smile to my face to think of Faith calling you 'Momma'. And we love seeing the pics of her and your boys. Cherie, I was thinking how ironic that I was dropping off my little girl half way across the country the same week that you were picking up your little girl half way around the world. Wow.


Unknown said...

To the Steeles' - and Faith -

How wonderful it will be to see all of you in church! It is so amazing how God is taking care of all the details and soon you will all be home! I can't wait to meet Faith in person. Praying for you all. It is apparent from your blog that bonding has already started. She is so adorable and so blessed to be coming into such a great family. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

I am unable to comprehend the roller coaster ride of emotions you are all experiencing. I think Michelle is going to need a long nap when you all get home!!! I feel so privaledged to have shared in this life changing experience with you. Only a little while longer. Hang in there!
