With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

More about Beijing

The stylish little bus that our guide takes us adoptive families around in. Here, Mitchell poses in front of our fabulous "meenee" bus (that's what our guide calls it). Our meenee bus came complete with a sign in the interior which reads "Communist Party Member" Here Mitchell poses with his ice cream bar that he bought in the Forbidden City. It was CREAM CHEESE FLAVOR?!?!

This is the wrapper - so, why do you think we couldn't tell what flavor it was???

We visited Olympic Park. We're in front of the Birds' Nest, and Mitchell is heading to the Ice Cube.

A Chinese girl came up beside me as we were walking through the Olympic Park and pointed to Noah, the adopted son of a couple in our travel group. “Is he Chinese?” she said. “Yes, and these are his adoptive parents,” I said. And then she and I talked a little.

It was a great day and we are so amazingly tired. Gracie, I bought you the most awesome kite today!! Christian, I’ll be finding some neat stuff for you!!

Mitchell made me promise to put this on the blog… When I told my mother I would email her and the kids, she wanted to know if I would email her at her house or at my house! : )

Well, it is 9:00 pm Saturday night here and I need to get our suitcases packed. In the morning at 5:30am (Saturday, 5:30pm for you), we head to the airport to fly to Nanchang. We have a 3-hour flight and then 2 hours later, we will get our little girl in our hotel lobby!! Tonight when Susan (our guide) left us, she was giving us all instructions for when we get our kids tomorrow. I just wanted to say, “Wow, this is really going to happen!” I have very aggressive butterflies in my stomach when I even try to process all that is going to happen tomorrow. We would really appreciate your prayers. Love to everyone back home.

1 comment:

Sue Heuston said...

It's about 9:30 Saturday here, so you're almost there...I remember how exciting and terrifying that moment was...I was so tired and my dear little Lainie would not leave my arms till she slept (like I would have put her down anyway)...she and I will log off the computer now and say a prayer for the hours ahead for you...
Sue H