With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Today we hauled the luggage down out of the attic, decided what items we needed to borrow, and made arrangements to wrap up our fundraiser tomorrow. We got word yesterday that we received a grant from God's Grace Adoption Foundation. This wraps up the rest of the money we need to make the trip. God is good. I am supposed to be getting the girls' room painted but I am having trouble getting motivated to finish the job. I always lack the motivation to paint!

I am excited that my wonderful aunt who lives in Toledo is going to manage this blog for me while we are gone. She is going to post for us as we send things to her via blackberry. Thank you so much Aunt Lou!!!

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