With grateful hearts for famly and friends,

With Grateful Hearts

With grateful hearts for family and friends, for those near to us and those who are near in our hearts. For hope and joy, and sorrow and struggles. For laughter and tears, and the songs that He gives along the way. But most of all for Jesus...the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is with grateful hearts that we share with you here.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Walmart, Airplanes, and The Kirby Sweeper Man

Monday night I made a midnight trek to the pharmacy department of Walmart in an attempt to fill my "adoptive parent recommended meds" list. After an hour and much more money than should be spent on over the counter meds, my cart boasted everything from hydrocortisone, benadryl, and robitussin; to dramamine, new skin, and nix. Now if we can just get the perscription meds taken care of.

A man named Lawrence Tung booked our plane tickets today. He speaks English with a heavy accent and he told us we will fly through "Chick-cago" I must say I am really really sad that we cannot fly home into our own little community airport. You know I had this beautiful vision in my mind of our family and friends coming to see our plane come in. Don't think anyone will be driving all the way to Dulles (except those who have to of course). We couldn't get a connecting flight all the way back home. :(

...and...this evening we spent several sweaty hours selling fundraiser books door-to-door. Matthew was irked because I have said the word "booklet" so many times that now I have him saying it. The boys say that "baggie" and "booklet" should not be in a man's vocabulary. Anyways, I think I'm really gaining new insight into the life of the Kirby sweeper salesman....nuff said??

On a more serious note, we will be traveling with 2 other families and I am very thankful for that. One from GA and one from KY. Mitchell and Matthew are going with us and I'm thankful for that. Please pray for us. We are still trying to pull all our funding together and still trying to finish Faith's room and we have VERY little time left. I'm heading to Lancaster in the morning to sell something on another quest for funds. The excitement is real and the anticipation is real and the stress is real, but God is Good.

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